BIPOC Support Foundation is committed to empowering the lives and communities of Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color by providing resources, education, and mentorship. BSF is dedicated to breaking down the racial, social, and economic barriers that prevent our Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color communities from thriving.
We operate by the key principle that success is interconnected. By improving the placement of adults, we improve the education of children; by improving the education of children, we improve the future of individuals and communities across the United States.
Our Vision:
BIPOC Support Foundation envisions a world where Black, Indigenous and Persons of Color co-exist equitably among their educated and decolonized non-BIPOC allies, rejoicing in the complexity of their shared humanity.
Our Values:
BIPOC Support Foundation values equity, empowerment, education, sustainability, mentorship, partnership, innovation, justice, and freedom.
The summer of 2023 we provided over
376 hours of program instruction